Republicans Focus on "Skinny" Repeal Now

Having failed to get 50 votes on either full repeal or on repeal and replace, Republicans are now focusing on "skinny repeal." Senators are not sure exactly what will be in the proposal, but it is expected to include a withdrawal of the individual mandate, tax penalty and medical devices tax. This initiative is gathering steam, with Heller and Rand both expressing support.

It would not cut Medicaid funding, but Blue Cross Blue Shield warned that premiums on the individual market would skyrocket without it. The self-employed would be among those hardest hit, especially those with chronic conditions who buy more comprehensive (and expensive) policies.

If it passes the Senate, it would then head to the House where it may be voted on as early as Saturday.

The bronze and silver policy offerings on the individual markets have been challenging for many consumers who balk at paying substantial premiums for high deductible policies. It is most frustrating for those who do not qualify for subsidies. They are paying thousands of dollars annually per family member without receiving much actual healthcare.

Click here for article from The Hill.